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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Why hello there!

You guys can go ahead and say it. 

I have been the world's worst blogger lately.

It's ok. I know it....and I am so sorry!

My life has been hectic....but really good.
I have been busy with school and busy making great friends.
I have lots of fun stories to tell you....but for now, I want to talk about something that I've been thinking about a lot recently. 

You guys already know that I like to write letters to myself. This way, I can look back on where I was at certain times and how I have changed. I find them therapeutic and cool to look back on. So you should not be surprised at all that I have written yet another one :)

Dear Ashley the dreamer,

Lately, you have been feeling a little anxious. You have been crushing on different boys...and things seem to be going great....until suddenly, the progress stops. After this happens, you are confused. You do not understand what happened to derail the whole thing. You spend the next couple of weeks being happy on the outside....but miserable on the inside. But you know what Ash? Life is amazing.

Words cannot even begin to express all of the awesome things that are happening in your life right now. You have the most amazing friends a girl could dream of, a heart that loves others and desperately wants to make a difference in this world, an able body, a personality that is quick to laugh, and a Heavenly Father that knows you better than anyone will ever know you.

You probably don't want to hear fact I know you don't, but maybe you are not supposed to be focusing on dating right now. 
Maybe you are supposed to be focusing on ways to be a better friend, daughter, disciple of Christ, and just a better person.

You can't force something to happen just because you want it to.
It is great to be determined and go after what you want, but it is equally important to realize where your priorities need to be.
Sometimes you just need to accept that something ended, and move on!

Before you get scared that you have lost your hopelessy romantic notions, do not worry!
You are still more than open to some tall, dark, and handsome stranger sweeping you off your feet, but you are just happy to also have both feet firmly planted on the ground right now.

Rediscover who you are and what your dreams are. There will be plenty of time for a white-picket-fence, cute kiddos, and the whole shebang...but there will not always be time to be selfish.

Dirty word huh?

I guess I just mean that it is okay to make your dreams come true. It is okay to think about what you want once in a while instead of what everyone else demands from you.

 Once you get married, you will not be able to be selfish if you want a happy marriage. The time for being selfless will come and that will be great too!

I guess what I am saying is that you need to take a deep breath....and just be happy!

Good things are coming...but good things are happening right. now. I don't want you to waste the time you have right now wishing for something better. Keep dreaming of Prince Charming. He's there, but you still have soooo much more to learn first!

Ashley the Realist

Quote of the Day:

"There are dreamers and there are realists in this world, you think the dreamers would find the dreamers and the realists would find the realists, but more often than not the opposite is true. See the dreamers need the realists to keep the dreamers from soaring too close to the sun. And the realists? Well without the dreamers, they might not ever get off the ground".

Why yes, I did just quote Modern Family :)

No more chasing for me!

What's new in your lives?

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Amy said...

YAY you are back! Love the Modern family quote. And I'm excited for Saturday because its been TOO long!

Amy said...

Can't wait to see all your new blogging with your new CAMERA!!

winky wink wink.

Kendra said...

love that you quoted modern family!