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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A New Year

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!
I sure did :)

I love this time of year because of the feelings it brings.
Everyone tries a little harder, to be a little kinder.
Our focus turns even more so to the Savior.
As I reflected this year about his birth, I was filled with such intense gratitude.
I will be forever grateful for the birth of that precious baby and for his life and love.

I am so excited for the New Year.
It is a time of new beginnings; a time for reinventing.
I have many new goals for the year, and one of those goals includes getting back to blogging!

I love to blog.
I love typing my feelings out.
I love putting my memories down to be looked at later.
I love sharing my ideas with you guys and hearing yours in return.
But lately, I have let the hustle and bustle of my life take over!

I have discovered that I need to learn how to balance my priorities.
I want to make time for The Lord, school, friends, and myself.
I truly believe that we are happier when we have a purpose.
We are happier when we feel that everything that is important to us, is getting enough of our attention.
I want to give the best part of myself to everyone I care about, not just little fragments.

This New Year, I vow to discover how to be the best possible ME, that I can be :)

Quote of the Day:

What are some of your goals for the New Year?

P.S. My parents surprised me with my first DSLR! I am so excited to start learning more about Photography. I am also excited to document my progress on this blog....and to look back and see how my skills have improved (hopefully!)

Wish me luck :)

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1 comment:

Amy said...

loved this post. Loved what you said about balancing priorities and having more purpose... this is one of my big goals for the new year!