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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Recapturing Beauty

From now until October 20, the Women's Services and Resources Department at my school will be hosting a "10 Day Body Image Challenge".

My good friend Amy informed me of the challenge and asked me if I wanted to do it with her. 

My response: Of Course!

I thought that it would be a great thing for not only me to do.....but you guys as well!

Everyday, I will be emailed a new activity and I will have to complete a journal.

This means that I will post the challenge everyday and share my thoughts on it.

I would also love to hear what you guys have to say :)

Day 1

Body Kindness


(Click it and it will get bigger!)

I will report back tomorrow on my feelings :)

Quote of the Day

We need to spread the message that everyone is important....including ourselves! Stop nit-picking and realize how truly beautiful you really are :)

Real beauty.....lasting beauty comes from within.

 Trust me when I say that I personally stop finding someone that is considered outwardly beautiful, to be truly beautiful when they are ugly on the inside. 

Please do the challenges with me and get on the path of loving the true you!

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Amy said...

Yeah, I'm glad you're doing it with me! And not only that, but you're super enthusiastic!

Liz Taylor said...

Absolutely love this idea. You are such a smart girl.

Mrs. Pancakes said...

This is an awesome idea!

Mrs. Pancakes said...

the link didn't work...please send it here..i want to check it out: thanks

Lita said...

Amy: Thanks for letting me know about it! I'm super excited to spread the word :)

Liz: I'm glad that you like the idea even though you are already super beautiful on the inside and outside! You are always so sweet and awesome :)

Mrs. Pancakes: I sent you the link! I hope it works...if not I can send you the text version :)

Suze said...

This is really really cool! And I thank you for sharing it, but I cannot view the challenges. I couldn't yesterday and I still can't. :(( My email address is: