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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Body Kindness

I hope you all joined the "Recapturing Beauty Challenge" that I posted yesterday.

I completed Day 1's challenge and I loved it!

Doing the yoga and taking time to breathe, helped me to relieve some stress.

As I followed the advice to think positively, I felt better.

I am so appreciative of this great, healthy body that I have.

Even though at times, I find myself wishing that my tummy were more toned, or that my legs were just a teeny bit longer...I am so grateful for the way my body is.

It is strong and it is amazing.

I am so grateful to have a body that was designed in the Lord's image.

It is so amazing to me that all of our body parts and systems function the way they do and interconnect. 

How cool are our bodies people?!

Pretty darn cool fo sho'.

Here's today's challenge:

For all of you non-Latter-Day-Saint, or Mormon folks out there who have no clue what a Patriarchal Blessing is.....just do the second part of the challenge. Ask you family and friends what gifts they see in you :)

Quote of the Day

What did you think of yesterday's challenge?

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*Sorry, I have been hearing that the link does not I hope this screenshot is good enough! Click the picture to zoom in even more :) I will put a screenshot on yesterdays post too!

1 comment:

Suze said...

It sounds like you really had an awesome experience!