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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Giving Meaningful Compliments

Yesterday's challenge was a little tricky.

It is easy to compliment someone on a cute shirt or hairstyle.

Much of our focus is on physical attractiveness, but there is another component as well: Inner Attractiveness.

Have you ever spent time with someone that you did not find necessarily physically attractive at first? But, as you spend more and more time with them, you realize they are becoming one of the most attractive people you know.

You look forward to seeing them. You look forward to that feeling you get when you are in their presence.

The magical phenomenon that changes everything is not their looks.

They did not change; you did.

Your perspective changed as you came to realize that their is more to life than being outwardly attractive.

Your perspective changed as you realized that kindness, intelligence, belly-hurting humor, and confidence are some of the most attractive qualities. Ever. 

I love that we have the power to change our perspective.

As I thought about yesterday's challenge, I thought about how I always appreciate less-physical compliments.

I love when someone tells me that I make them happy, or that I am kind.

Physical beauty fades and can change in an instant.

Inner beauty can last forever and can only be enhanced as we continue to better ourselves.

I hope you guys had positive experiences with yesterday's challenge too :)

Today's Challenge:

Quote of the Day

Let's find ways to be answers to other people's prayers :)

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1 comment:

Holly said...

I loveeee the Dieter F. Uchtdorf quote!!!!