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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Forgive me?

I have been a bad blog buddy lately and for that, I am sorry.

Today, I thought it would be fun to show you the current Pinterest life I am lusting over. 

My Pinteresting life would include being supppper fashionable and fly.

                                                                        Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

I would have all the time in the world to create beautiful nail-art.

After I was done beautifying myself, I would channel my time and energy into being a domestic goddess..... 

                                                                       Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

......instead of putting said time and energy into stupid papers and useless reading.

My life would be perfectly organized and clutter-free.

                                                               Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

Every item would have a home and my storage would be cute and effective. 

In my ideal Pinterest world, I would be clever enough to be quoted.....

                                                                            Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

.....instead of someone that quotes others.

But you know what? That is not me.

I am imperfect.

Sometimes I leave my clothes on the floor when I am too tired to put them away.

Sometimes I reach for the canned soup when I am too lazy to make a real meal.

Sometimes my idea of Holiday decorating is putting a couple little pumpkins on my front porch.

But you wanna know somethings that I love about myself?

I love fiercely and truly .

I am loyal and honest.

I put my whole body into laughing: Tears run down my cheeks and my shoulders bounce up and down.

I am a generally happy person


I love to serve others. Ohhhhh how I love making other people smile.

Life is busy, messy, and imperfect: As am I.

Even though I love imagining my perfect Pinterest life, my current life is perfect for me and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Quote of the Day

What would your pinteresting life look like?

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1 comment:

meghan said...

your "pinteresting" life looks just like mine =)