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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Enhancing or covering?

Yesterday's challenge topic was about something that I love....make-up!

I like make-up because it is fun. 

It is fun to experiment with different lip gloss colors, or eyeshadows.

It is fun to try new things and discover what makes me feel beautiful.

I loved yesterday's challenge because it made me examine how I feel with/without makeup.

Make-up was designed to enhance our beauty.

It can be used to accentuate your best features.

It can draw out your deep brown eyes, or help make your baby blues shine :)

Make-up was not created just to cover everything up and create a mask.

There is nothing worse than seeing someone walk around with make-up that is two shades too dark for them.


Seeing girls with sooooo much make-up on, it looks like a caked on mask.

If we are using make-up to hide behind, we are using it wrong.

Being natural is always best.....make-up should just be an accessory....kind of like earrings or a great necklace :)

Lately, I have been feeling like I am devoting too much time to getting ready in the mornings. I decided to try something new.

I have officially joined the Bare Minerals revolution!

The great thing about this make-up is that it feels and looks like you are wearing none!

It is made from natural ingredients, takes five minutes to apply, and a little goes a longggg way!

I am committing myself to being more natural with my appearance. I want to spend more time on school and loving people, instead of  wasting time putting on make-up everyday!

I hope you had a positive experience with yesterday's challenge.

Today's Challenge:

There are two more days left until the "Recapturing Beauty" campaign is over!

I hope you have been getting something out of it :)

Quote of the Day

I hope you guys are having a great day.....if not, just remember that you get a fresh start tomorrow :)

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1 comment:

Suze said...

I love Bare Minerals!! It took me a little while to figure out how to apply it well... did you buy this at a boutique or did you order it? I love mine. I hope you'll love it too!

Also, thanks for continuing to post these challenges. They're really thought-provoking.