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Monday, September 19, 2011

Your worst frenemy

Have you ever had friendships that have negative undercurrents?

Maybe you see it through a back-handed compliment, or perhaps through the way they support/don't support you?

I know that I have had those types of friends frenemies.

Sometimes I think of them as "fair-weather" friends. 

They are there when things are fun and happy, but nowhere to be seen when times get rough.

Don't you hate that?

I know I do.

Normally, what happens is that I realize that the positives in our "friendship" are not enough to compensate for the pure negativity.

I realize that I am sick of the debbie-makes-ya-a-downer's.


 the makes-you-think-negatively-about-yourself-Nancy's.

Today, I commit to getting rid of negativity in my life.

I do not need it.

You do not either!

If someone needs to tear you down to make themselves feel better, they are not your friend. 

If someone belittles you or your ideas, they are not your friend.

See them for what they are= Insecure mean girls

Recognize that real friends strengthen and build you up.

You better believe that real friends are right there with you when you are suffering and feeling your most vulnerable.

They offer you a shoulder to cry, lean, and snot on.

They do not make you feel like a loser for having a moment of weakness.

Real friends know that you are not perfect, but they love you anyways.

So lets rid ourselves of mean girls!

Kindness is not overrated.

Charity is not dead.

Quote of the Day

In order to be truly beautiful, we must start on the inside.

I pledge to be more kind and to be a true friend.

Who's with me?

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Amy said...

I love this! And... I'm glad I rid myself of such a friendship last year! (if you don't know who I'm talking about I'll tell ya later) Ugh... I hate when a "friend" only makes you feel terrible about yourself.

So thanks for being a great friend!

Kelli DeGrazier said...

I got your note on my blog! Thanks! I am officially a follower of yours!
