My life is complete.
A mere 10 minutes ago, the mailwoman made my life the happiest it's
She delivered a package that contained a watch and a textbook.
Not just any watch and textbook though.
The watch is one that I have been coveting for a while.
Normally I am not a fan of buying something that everyone and their dog has, but I made an exception for this little beauty.
I am definitely lovin' the white watch trend. It looks a little bigger on my wrist than I was anticipating...but I actually like the little touch of bling that it has. It is perfect for day, or night :)
And what was the book you might be wondering?
My favorite book of the semester:
Interiors. I am beyond stoked (do people say that anymore?) for this class! I love decorating and it is a little dream of mine to one day be an Interior Designer. I'm also excited to learn about more than decorating, but architecture as well.
The three of us (Mr. Watch, Textbook, and I) are pretty much in love.
Pure bliss.
Expect a wedding invite in the mail any time now. I better recieve r.s.v.p's from all y'all!
Quote of the Day
Haha I will so be that mom.