Have you ever had that moment of nostalgia after hearing a song on the radio? That moment that takes you back to where you were when you last heard it. Maybe it was at a bonfire the summer before College, or a road trip with friends. Immediately upon hearing those familiar tunes, you find yourself reminiscing about happy, or even bittersweet moments. This is one of the top reasons that I love music. I love being able to go back in time to relive those moments. Music has a way of filling us with joy. Music puts into words the emotions that we feel, but expresses it in such a way that is universal. Music unites us and can be enjoyed by everyone. Lately, I have been feeling stressed out and my immediate go-to solution is to crank up my iPod. I play it while I get ready every morning. I play it when I cook. I have dance parties (I know...I'm a dork)...and you better believe that when my dear friend Amy texted me on my birthday telling me to do a happy dance to celebrate...I did! Did it matter that my mom looked at me very strangely when I suddenly hopped up from my seat and started moon-walking (ok...that may be an exaggeration) around the floor? NO! It didn't matter because life is too short to waste being boring. Life is too short to pretend that you do not have Justin Bieber songs on your iPod, or that you don't enjoy rocking out to Taylor Swift....guys, I know you do it too! So...in honor of music appreciation, I present my top 10 favorite songs...of this moment in time that is :)
These are not in any order...it is hard for me to pick favorites!
1. Mean- Taylor Swift
2. Hang you up- Yellowcard
3. Better together- Jack Johnson
4. Marry me- Train
5. If I die young- The Band Perry
6. Free- Zac Brown Band
7. Let me down easy- Billy Currington
8. Count on me- Bruno Mars
9. Crazy girl- Eli Young Band
10. Rhythm of love- Plain White T's
My challenge to you is to figure out what your current top songs are...and when you do, have your own crazy dance party...you will find no judgement here :)
Freshman-year flashback:
Gotta love the 1 am dress-up parties :)
Amy and I brought the hood to Provo...Lil' Wayne style
um hello! Love your new background!! Look at you miss chic blogger! Haha. Great post, thanks for telling me to listen to male prima donna this week when I was super emo, definitely helped!!
um thanks! Haha yeah...I wanted a change :) No problem...you weren't super emo! You are purrrr-fectly normal!
Great choice of music. Personal fave on your list is Better Together, Marry Me and Let me down easy. I'd listen to the other listed songs because I never heard of them. ^__^
Thanks Ayel and thank you for stopping by! I love those acoustic type songs...they are so soothing. You should listen to the other songs! It is always fun to discover new music :)
what a great post! :D :D i'm diggin' that song list!
Thank you! I'm glad that you like my mix :)
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