Drum-roll please...................Babies"R"Us. Ok, it may not be my absolute fave store, but I promise you, it is top 10 fo' sho' :) Today my mom, grandma, and I went out to run errands. While we were waiting on an order to be filled, we decided to go into the Babies"R"Us store that was next door. I almost died upon seeing the teeny tiny clothes and the teeny tiny babies that filled the store. For those of you that know me, you know that this is perfectly normal behavior for me. I love kids and drool over anything baby related. As we were walking around admiring all of the cute little gems, my grandmother turned to me and informed me that I need to hurry up and have children so she can spoil them. While her sentiment was sweet, there is one minor problem......I'm not married! My mom with a worried look on her face quickly reminded her mother of that little requirement. Normally, this type of conversation is reserved for married children that are slacking in the baby department. How is it fair that I already have this pressure?! Apparently my job this coming school year is to get married AND have a baby! I am going to be on a veryyyy tight schedule :p I actually did have to restrain myself from buying anything. I used to think it was crazy when people talked about buying things for their future children when they weren't even married yet (ahem...Amy :P ) but now, it totally makes sense! How do I know that when I have kids that cute little ducky onesie is still going to be there? How do I know that stores will still be selling little baby converses? I thought about how in my Psychology class, I learned that men are the hunters and women are the gatherers. Wouldn't I just be fulfilling my role as nature intended by stocking up on baby essentials? It would be a shame to pass up on a good deal :) As soon as my reasoning reached this point, I decided that it was time to leave the store. I realized that I was acting like a crazy person. I guess BYU culture is really starting to get to me. Once I was thinking clearly again, I applauded my resistance. I realized that I do not want to take the fun out of that future moment when I am actually pregnant and get to experience actually being able to shop at baby stores. Until then, I will continue to love children and enjoy being a part-time mother to the babies of friends, relatives, and employers.

Look at those gorgeous eyes!
I love her curls! I hope my children inherit my curly hair :)
Am I the only person that is baby crazy?!
HAHAHA wow thanks for the SHOUTOUT!! RUDE!! JK I loved it, you know I did. For the record, I only have purchased like 3 baby items. THREE. And one of those items was a pair of tiny itty bitty baby felt cowboy boots from Target. How could I not?? I mean they were the most adorable thing I had ever seen. Also once I bought a onesie totally on a whim. And then once my sister bought me baby socks for Christmas, to this day I don't understand it. I think she was on drugs. But anyways, the answer to your last sentence is a definitive YES. No one is as baby crazy as you. Many provo girls come close though. But please remember this: once you are a mom, you will be one for the rest of your earthly days and into eternity. So just enjoy your snot-free baby-poop-less existence for now. Also when we have children lets have them be pen-pals, cutest idea ever right? Right. Loves!
I'm baby crazy! http://katrihakes.blogspot.com/2011/06/babies.html
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