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Monday, January 16, 2012


Change can be the best and worst thing.
 Dontcha think?
It can influence our views, actions, feelings, and environment.
Change can happen in the blink of an eye and can affect our world in just a year.

When I look back to where I was this time last year, I have to laugh.
I laugh remembering how I thought I would just die if a certain boy didn't like me.
I laugh remembering how once I got the boy, it wasn't everything it was cracked up to be.
I thought I knew so much about life, about love.
I laugh thinking about past late night adventures and early morning mishaps.

I have changed so much in the last year and I am better for it.
I have gained perspective; I have gained strength as well.
I have realized that life goes on.

Even in the space of these past two weeks since we rang in 2012, I have changed.
I have re-evaluated certain decisions.
I have laughed, cried, and lived in the moment....and please tell me what could be better than that?! 

The biggest reason why I appreciate change is that it allows me to accomplish my dreams...and after I do, I get to create new ones.
Change allows me to discover who I truly am and what I want out of this life.

We have been blessed with so much in this life.
Even when things are bleak, sunshine is always right around the corner.
Amazing huh?

Wanna see how our world has changed in the last year?

We have all come so far...and we have even farther to go.
The beauty of change is that anything is possible....anything can be.

Quote of the Day:

                                                                        Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

Embrace change. 
If it is scary or challenging, you will grow.
If it is happy and exciting, it will make you smile.
Either way, it'll do ya good :)

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pretty pictures

Whenever I look at beautiful pictures, I feel inspired.
Photographs have a way of not only capturing a moment, but a feeling.

Flipping back through photo-albums takes me back to lazy summer days spent laying on my trampoline with friends.
I am transported back to a time when I had braces, or crazy poofy hair.

I am taken back in time to first crushes, first heartbreaks, and the start of friendships that still exist today.

Pictures have a way of making our hearts happy, or sad.
Their language is universal and their images can be interpreted in many different ways.

When I see this photo....

                                                                          Source: via Brenda on Pinterest

...I feel free and happy. I want to travel and bask in the glow of the warm sun.

When I see this photo............

                                                                                Source: via Elyse on Pinterest

...........I am transfixed by this little girl's gorgeous eyes. It makes me wonder what she is thinking, what she has seen.

This picture.............

                                                                            Source: via Olga on Pinterest

...........makes me smile. Pure and simple.

This pretty picture................

..........makes me dream about a wedding. It makes me think about that special day and I find myself hoping that I feel this light and happy too.

Lastly, some photos........

                                                                         Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

...........may not be breathtakingly beautiful or artistic, but can be quirky and cute. Pictures like these make me smile. They make me happy.

I am a person that is constantly taking pictures of my friends, family, and the world around me. 

While I might not take the best pictures ever, or have the vision of a great photographer, I can still capture memories.

I can still create a memory that I can look back and smile on.....and for now, that is good enough for me.

Quote of the Day:

                                                                    Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

What images do you love?

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Monday, January 2, 2012


I am so excited for this new year!

As is customary, I decided to make a list of my goals for this year. 
I love having things to focus on throughout the year and having a list makes it more official...don'tcha think?

1. Get my lazy booty to the gym (I know....EVERYONE and their dog makes this resolution, but I am for reals. Bye bye chub!)
2. Get straight A's (Or at least mostlyyyyy straight A's)
3. Put effort into a good relationship 
4. Serve others
5. Be more diligent about scripture study and prayers
6. Make time for ALL of my friends
7. Smile at strangers and make an effort to touch people's lives in some little way everyday
8. Learn how to use my camera
9. Learn how to play the guitar
10. Try not to over-think things (This one is gonna be challenging!)

Quote of the Day: 

What is on your list this year? I'd love to know :)

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