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Thursday, October 27, 2011


Wanderlust  noun  "A strong, innate desire to rove or travel about".

Have you ever just had the urge to pick up and leave?

Maybe drive someone coastal and just walk around barefoot........feeling the grainy sand between your toes?

Or maybe, a desire to go to some remote cabin where you can build a monstrous bonfire and sip hot cocoa while you listen to the wood crackle. (ok....I must admit that this one is a little less desired during the month of October...creepy serial killers hunting you in the middle of nowhere? No thanks.)

I feel a little restless.

I want to have an amazing adventure.

You may not know this about me, but a huge part of me longs for the unexpected.

I am the girl that will try to pressure you to stay out just a little longer with me and go for a midnight IHOP run.

I am the friend that will convince you to skip town with me for the weekend....a weekend spent staying up late, laughing, eating, and sharing secrets, crushes, and stupid dramas.

I am a contradiction.

I long for stability, but I crave excitement and spontaneity.

I like to know where I stand with people, but I love for them to surprise me.

I love tough, brave guys; but I appreciate romantic softies that listen when I talk...and don't think I am crazy for crying at the end of Toy Story 3.

True story.

Sometimes I just want to veg on the couch while watching repeats of "Say Yes To The Dress". Other-times, I want to get all dressed up and have a rockin' dance party.

Sometimes, I feel that I get swallowed up in this great big world.

I feel that I am not reaching milestones that I should at this point in my life.

I feel that I am being lapped.

I look at where some of my friends are in their lives right now, and I feel that I am being left behind.

But you know what? That is okay.

I am working on finding my own version of happiness.....and I have to admit that my version is pretty darn great.

What works for one person will not work for me because I am different.

I have different goals, dreams, and expectations.

It's like what that old Lee Ann Womack song that is a staple on old radio stations says: 

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger 
May you never take one single breath for granted 
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
I hope you still feel small 
When you stand by the ocean 
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens 
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance 
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance 
I hope you dance I hope you dance 

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance 
Never settle for the path of least resistance 
Living might mean taking chances
But they're worth taking
Lovin' might be a mistake 
But it's worth making 
Don't let some hell bent heart 
Leave you bitter 
When you come close to selling out
Give the heavens above
More than just a passing glance 
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance 
I hope you dance 

Life is short, enjoy it.

People come into your life, love them.

Never lose your hunger for adventure and knowledge.

Always look at the world with wonder and amazement.

The world is a beautiful place and has soooo much to offer :)

Quote of the Day

Who wants to go on an adventure with me? 

I'm pretty fun :)

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Finish line

Today marks the last day of the "Recapturing Beauty" Challenge!

You did it!!!!

Yesterday's challenge was about figuring out who our real role models should be.

There were a few questions at the end of the challenge that asked "how much time do you spend trying to be physically beautiful? How much time do you spend developing traits like the one you admire in your role model?

I am ashamed to say that I probably spend too much time trying to be physically beautiful....

..........Ok, for those of you that saw me this week, try not to laugh....I normally try harder than the hot mess that I've been this week!

But really, I am trying harder to be more like the amazing people that I admire. 

I want to make a difference in the world and inspire others to be better as well.

Are you ready for the last challenge? 

Are you sad?

Don't be!

We need to always be on the look-out for ways to try a little harder, to be a little better :)

Today's Challenge:

Are you ready to declare your statement?

Quote of the Day

I love you beautiful people because you are beautiful on the inside too! You guys always leave me the best comments that never cease to make me smile :)

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Body lovin'

I hope you all took the opportunity to write your "Body Love Letter" yesterday.

I know it seems kinda crazy.....but we have to remain committed to the challenge! We are so close to the finish line!

My letter goes a little something like this:

Dear hottie patottie body (don't laugh!),

I am so grateful for you. Your legs are strong and help me to get to places that I need to go.
You are healthy, capable, and stable.
I love that you have 20/20 vision and that you shake when I laugh.
I am grateful for your internal clock that wakes me up every morning, oftentimes before my alarm goes off.
I am grateful for two ears that hear and for a a mouth that can taste and appreciate new things.
Everyday is an adventure, thanks to all of the things I am capable of doing with your help.
I love you so much and will try to appreciate you more.


Today's Challenge:

One more day!

Quote of the Day

Since I will never be cool enough to say swag on my own, there ya go!

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Enhancing or covering?

Yesterday's challenge topic was about something that I love....make-up!

I like make-up because it is fun. 

It is fun to experiment with different lip gloss colors, or eyeshadows.

It is fun to try new things and discover what makes me feel beautiful.

I loved yesterday's challenge because it made me examine how I feel with/without makeup.

Make-up was designed to enhance our beauty.

It can be used to accentuate your best features.

It can draw out your deep brown eyes, or help make your baby blues shine :)

Make-up was not created just to cover everything up and create a mask.

There is nothing worse than seeing someone walk around with make-up that is two shades too dark for them.


Seeing girls with sooooo much make-up on, it looks like a caked on mask.

If we are using make-up to hide behind, we are using it wrong.

Being natural is always best.....make-up should just be an accessory....kind of like earrings or a great necklace :)

Lately, I have been feeling like I am devoting too much time to getting ready in the mornings. I decided to try something new.

I have officially joined the Bare Minerals revolution!

The great thing about this make-up is that it feels and looks like you are wearing none!

It is made from natural ingredients, takes five minutes to apply, and a little goes a longggg way!

I am committing myself to being more natural with my appearance. I want to spend more time on school and loving people, instead of  wasting time putting on make-up everyday!

I hope you had a positive experience with yesterday's challenge.

Today's Challenge:

There are two more days left until the "Recapturing Beauty" campaign is over!

I hope you have been getting something out of it :)

Quote of the Day

I hope you guys are having a great day.....if not, just remember that you get a fresh start tomorrow :)

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Worldly Beauty

We are on challenge day seven people!

Yesterday's challenge was really interesting because it is something that I have been thinking about a lot lately.

We as girls are especially prone to care so much about what we look like.

This is not necessarily a negative thing.

It is good to take care of our bodies and to look and feel good.

The part that gets out of control is when we feel the need to be perfect....especially when that desire turns into beating ourselves up about things.

Caring what you look like on the outside becomes a problem when it is more important to you then how you are on the inside. 

It is a problem when you are too focused on having every strand of hair perfectly in place, when you neglect other aspects of your life, and certainly if you cannot even remember what the real you looks like.

The world's idea of beauty is not always correct.

Beauty does not need to involve baring your skin to the world.

When I think about beautiful celebrities, I think about Audrey Hepburn.

What made her beautiful was her class, grace, and heart.

She did so much in her life to help others.

When I think about a celebrity idol, she is definitely mine.

Instead of focusing on what magazines tell us we need to do to be beautiful, let's remember the challenge and know that everyone has their own unique beauty.

Today's Challenge:

This challenge is unique....because YOU get to choose what you want to do :)

Quote of the Day

I hope you guys had a great day!

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Self Expression

Yesterday's challenge was a little tricky for me.

You see, I love making other people happy, sometimes to my own detriment.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm a people-pleaser because I don't let people walk all over me, but I am sometimes too invested.

I have a hard time saying no to some things that I do not necessarily want to do, out of fear of letting the other person down.

Yesterday's challenge was all about focusing on what I want for a change.

I think that while sacrificing for others is always a character-building experience, we also need to take time to do something for ourselves. 

We need to make sure that our voice is still being heard and that we are not getting lost in the shadows.

Today's Challenge:

This challenge looks interesting!

I hope you guys are getting something out of these daily experiences.

I sure am and I am so happy that I have the oppourtunity to change my perspectives about things in order to grow.

Quote of the Day

Have a happy Sunday :)

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Giving Meaningful Compliments

Yesterday's challenge was a little tricky.

It is easy to compliment someone on a cute shirt or hairstyle.

Much of our focus is on physical attractiveness, but there is another component as well: Inner Attractiveness.

Have you ever spent time with someone that you did not find necessarily physically attractive at first? But, as you spend more and more time with them, you realize they are becoming one of the most attractive people you know.

You look forward to seeing them. You look forward to that feeling you get when you are in their presence.

The magical phenomenon that changes everything is not their looks.

They did not change; you did.

Your perspective changed as you came to realize that their is more to life than being outwardly attractive.

Your perspective changed as you realized that kindness, intelligence, belly-hurting humor, and confidence are some of the most attractive qualities. Ever. 

I love that we have the power to change our perspective.

As I thought about yesterday's challenge, I thought about how I always appreciate less-physical compliments.

I love when someone tells me that I make them happy, or that I am kind.

Physical beauty fades and can change in an instant.

Inner beauty can last forever and can only be enhanced as we continue to better ourselves.

I hope you guys had positive experiences with yesterday's challenge too :)

Today's Challenge:

Quote of the Day

Let's find ways to be answers to other people's prayers :)

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Negative Self Talk

Did yesterday's challenge make you a little sad?

I was sad picturing someone yelling or saying those hurtful things to a child.

Most of us would never belittle a child or put down their triumphs, or learning experiences.

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Just because we are older and more jaded by the world does not mean that we cannot still look at things with amazement.

We can still view our accomplishments for what they truly are.....AMAZING.

We do not have to judge ourselves based on what the world says we should be.

Today, I put the challenge to good use.

I thought only positive thoughts even when my day was taking foreverrrrrr....

You know something??

I felt beautiful all day. 

Not in a "you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you" kinda way, but a "you are kinda awesome and smart" kinda way :)

You guys are all amazing and I hope you had a positive experience with yesterday's challenge too!

Are you ready for today's?


This looks tricky! Physical compliments are soooo much easier  but it is true that really heartfelt compliments are the best :)

Quote of the Day

Let's try to keep growing! 

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gifts and Talents

How great was yesterday's challenge?!

I loved it because it truly made me think.

I thought about what my gifts and talents are...and I thought about how to use them to help others.

I brainstormed ways that I can continue to grow and expand my interests. 

Life is too short to hide our light! We need to share it and use it to help make the world a better place.

I hope that you guys were able to think about the things that make you incredible :)

Today's Challenge:

Ohhhhh this challenge looks soooo good!

Quote of the Day

I love this quote! We need to remember the Lord not only in tough times....but especially in the good times :)

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Body Kindness

I hope you all joined the "Recapturing Beauty Challenge" that I posted yesterday.

I completed Day 1's challenge and I loved it!

Doing the yoga and taking time to breathe, helped me to relieve some stress.

As I followed the advice to think positively, I felt better.

I am so appreciative of this great, healthy body that I have.

Even though at times, I find myself wishing that my tummy were more toned, or that my legs were just a teeny bit longer...I am so grateful for the way my body is.

It is strong and it is amazing.

I am so grateful to have a body that was designed in the Lord's image.

It is so amazing to me that all of our body parts and systems function the way they do and interconnect. 

How cool are our bodies people?!

Pretty darn cool fo sho'.

Here's today's challenge:

For all of you non-Latter-Day-Saint, or Mormon folks out there who have no clue what a Patriarchal Blessing is.....just do the second part of the challenge. Ask you family and friends what gifts they see in you :)

Quote of the Day

What did you think of yesterday's challenge?

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*Sorry, I have been hearing that the link does not I hope this screenshot is good enough! Click the picture to zoom in even more :) I will put a screenshot on yesterdays post too!