My stomach is in knots as I type this.
I am watching a movie (yes, I am one of those Mormon's that occasionally watch t.v. on Sundays...judge away) called Flight 93.
This movie is about the plane, and
more importantly the passengers that prevented one of the four planes that had been hijacked on September 11, from crashing into The Capitol, or the White House.
"Why would you choose to watch something so depressing?"
-One might ask.
Unfortunately, I was not in charge of the remote. This is what my sweet mother chose to subject our family to this fine Sunday. I felt sick to my stomach as I watched the hijackers reveal themselves and proceed to kill the pilots and a couple of passengers.
I tried to imagine what it would be like to be on that flight. The fear, anger, and uncertainty that you would feel. I watched as the passengers called the police to report the hijacking...and were shocked to learn that two other planes had been hijacked and driven into the World Trade Center.
I thought back to that September day when I gathered with my classmates in the cafeteria. We were all scared out of our minds because we knew that something bad had happened, but the teachers were not telling us anything.
My parents came to pick me up and my dad told me what had happened. My 10 year-old brain could not understand the magnitude of what he was saying. I remember the t.v. being on at home and I watched as they played the video of the planes hitting the towers. I did not even realize it, but I was sobbing.
Even though I did not understand how this event was going to change this great Country that I love, I did understand that kids like me, were now orphaned. I understood that wives would now be widows. I remember going up to my room, laying on my bed, and crying as I wrote in my journal.
Watching this movie, as sad as it was, filled me with soooo much gratitude. The brave passengers on flight 93 knew from talking to 911 operators, that other planes had been hijacked and driven into important U.S. landmarks. They knew that their plane was about to be used in a similar way, and they were determined not to let that happen.
They called their families, told them they loved them, said their prayers, and came up with a plan. They worked together and overtook the terrorists, and tried to get the plane to a higher altitude. They could not because the plane was set on a crash course, so they did the only thing they could. They steered the plane away from the desired target (The White House and the Capitol) and crashed into a Pennsylvania field.
No one survived.
I was particularly struck by a College girl that was about my age on-board this plane. She called her mom and told her that the plane had been hijacked and that she loved her.
I realized that girl could have been me, or you.
I was particularly struck by a College girl that was about my age on-board this plane. She called her mom and told her that the plane had been hijacked and that she loved her.
I realized that girl could have been me, or you.
I am so grateful for these brave men and women that were quick to think on their feet. People that sacrificed their own life to protect their country. I asked myself if I would have been that brave, and I was too scared to answer the question.
I am so proud and grateful to be an American. I am beyond thankful for the men and women that fight to protect our Country, and I am grateful for their families.
Can we all please try to appreciate every second that we have and not waste it? Our lives and freedoms were bought with a precious price and wasting them in anger, mistrust, and selfishness is a slap in the face to those who sacrificed, and continue to sacrifice everything to protect them.
So, hug your family and friends and mean it when you tell them you love them.
[Deep breath]
So, hug your family and friends and mean it when you tell them you love them.
[Deep breath]
I'm sorry to be a downer, but I had to say what was weighing on my heart today.
On a lighter note though, I am so ticked at my mom for having us watch this a week before I am scheduled to fly back out to school.
I appreciate the fact that she was trying to expose us to something that would re-instill gratitude in our hearts, but seriously mom, was scaring the snot outta me necessary?
Luckily, I will be flying with one of my best friends :)
Quote of the Day
I will be grateful for this day. Will you?

You are SO right - is absolutely heart and gut wrenching to imagine what those people had to go through. The only reassurance I really have is knowing they are so happy right now with God in Heaven and that He is taking care of them.
Liz thank you so much for your comment because it made me feel less depressed! haha I do not know why I didn't even stop to think about that...I was too busy thinking of the sad, to think about the silver lining :)
I watched that movie earlier this year and loved it...even though it was sad.
Lisa, yeah I totally know what you mean. It was inspiring as far as the bravery and sacrifice goes...but sooo sad when you think of the poor families that were destroyed :(
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