Jane Austen books make me want to be in love.
I'm not talking, "we've been dating for a little while and I think I love you" love. I'm talking, "I don't want to live without you. Ever" love.
I'm not talking, "we've been dating for a little while and I think I love you" love. I'm talking, "I don't want to live without you. Ever" love.
Those who know me really well, go ahead and laugh. Come on...permission granted.
I know you're dying to, because you cannot see how anything could make me more boy-crazy, or love-obsessed than I already am.
Folks, there is no limit to my love of everything romantic....and Jane Austen books-turned-movies get me every time.
Seriously. After I'm done watching, my face hurts from smiling so darn much!
Now, I'm probably being a stereotypical girl, but one of my favorite chick-flicks is Pride and Prejudice. The new one.
I'm sure some of you are gasping in horror over the fact that I would dare choose the new version over the classic.
Sorry, but I do.
There is something about the gorgeous scenery and music in the movie that makes me feel all warm and giddy :)
I love P&P because of the way Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy start out. It is not your typical boy meets girl, boy and girl fall madly in love, and live happily ever after type movie.
They test each other. Annoy the crap out of each other.
Then they grow to love each other. Don't get me wrong, I love a good sappy movie every-now and then, but they are not realistic for me.
What is realistic is friends that become lovers (not in THAT way folks.... Keep it clean).
Love is not instantaneous. It is worked towards. Discovered even.
I love that Elizabeth just starts to realize that she is madly in love with Darcy towards the end of the movie. She thinks about how they compliment each other, instead of being polar opposites like she believed before.
She realizes that she has been wrong about him. That she has judged him so harshly for things that she did not understand. She discovers that he has done so much for her, and for her family.
Mr. Darcy is not the arrogant, cold-hearted person that she imagined him to be. He is warm, loving, and kind.
I want that. I want to challenge my partner, and I want them to challenge me. I want us to have playful banter. I want someone that is looking for a girl with not only looks, but brains.
Looks fade...but chemistry and friendship can last forever. Isn't that what love is all about? Finding someone that makes you feel whole? Someone that makes you happy and inspires you to be your best?
So, while I love Disney movies with their messages of true-love and happily ever afters, I appreciate realistic movies that promise a forever-love where your life can be happily ever after.
Not because you never have any problems....but because despite them all, you love that other person more than anything and you are both committed to each other; no matter what.
Mr. Darcy: And...what should I call you when I am cross? Mrs. Darcy?
Elizabeth: No! No. You may only call me "Mrs. Darcy"....when you are completely, and perfectly, and incandescently happy.
Mr. Darcy: Then how are you this evening..Mrs. Darcy?
That line gets me every time.
Quote of the Day
If you want to be in love, you have to work for it.
What movie/book makes you look forward to your own forever-love?

i literally just finished reading the book and it is now, hands-down, my favorite love story. i agree ... ms. austen is a genius. and your post makes me want to go watch the movie :)
I love the new Pride and Prejudice too :D That scene is awesome :D
Love this... We'll have to watch this movie this year :)
Lisa: It is amazing!
Amy: Yes please!!! I love it!
It is really hard to pick a favourite love story in a book for me...but if I had to pick, it would be Jane Eyre. Over time Jane and Mr. Rochester fall in love with each other, but because they cannot be married Jane flees - even though there is a part of her that wants to stay. She keeps her faith and her integrity and in the end there is a love story and a poignant, happy ending. I just LOVE it!!! I also loved your post :]
Ellie: I love Jane Eyre too! My heart just breaks for their situation...and it is true, they have to struggle. I like that it is realistic that they do not get what they want, when they want it. There is heartbreak and eventually, happiness.
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