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Saturday, October 8, 2011


Today, I am feeling really grateful for good friends.

I have so many in my life.

To be my friend:

1. You must be crazyyy= You must be willing to make a fool out of yourself and do silly things. Life is too short to be boring... I always say.

2. You must love music and dancing= My friends can attest that I frequently burst into song. I sing, I hum, and I dance. Dancing is so fun because you can just let loose and be crazy!

3. You must be loyal and kind. If there is one thing that I cannot stand, it is insincerity. Everyone deserves to be treated nicely and to be loved.

4. You must have a sense of humor. Life is not perfect. Sometimes you just need to know when to throw in the towel........and LAUGH! 

5. You must be yourself. Why would I need fake friends? We all have something to contribute and our own talents. Let those shine. Never be someone you're not. Not only do you do yourself a disservice, you rob the world of your contribution :)

Quote of the Day

Tender huh?

Thank you for being such a great friend. Your comments and notes brighten my day :)

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Mrs. Pancakes said...

awww...this is great...i feel this way about my friends!

L!$@ said...

We could definitely be friends in real life too :D A girl after my own heart! Awesome quote too!