Are you fist pumping to Katy Perry?
Well, you should be because it's FRIDAY! I am finished with a week of work and I am soooo ready to relax.
I thought I would cap the week off with another addition of "that's hot/ that's not":
Hot: The fact that I finally have a plane ticket for my upcoming departure to Utah. HOLLA!
Hot: It being payday...I love having money in the bank :)
Hot: The temperature. I am melting people, and let me tell ya, it is not pretty.
Hot: My awesome friends. They never fail to make me smile, laugh, or feel empowered.
Hot: Having an amazing family that despite having their dysfunctional moments, loves me through thick and thin.
Hot: Boys with tans. Yummmmmmmm
Now for what is not hot:
Not-hot: The construction workers that I pass everyday crossing the street to my job....and their leers.
Not-hot: Isa's surprise that she left for me in her diaper was foul.
Not-hot: The Tales from the Crypt type dreams that I had last night.
Quote of the Day
What were the best and worst parts of your week?

This weather is miserable for us all, ugh! YAY PAY DAYYY!
best: hot boy and being home tonight :)
worst: finals. in august. so terrible.
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