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Monday, August 1, 2011

A day in the life of a nanny

Today, I got up at the crack of dawn….seriously people, I’m talking 5:45 am!

Now, let me just let you in on a little Ashley 101. I am a morning person…however, I do not like waking up early. Did that make sense? No? Let me explain. 

I am the type of person that can sleep in until 2 in the afternoon and not bat an eye….but once I’m up, I’m up! I go about my business and it does not take me long to get out of my sleep coma. Ok...back to the story...

I had to be at work by 7:30, but I had to make sure I left the house by 6:30 to allow for traffic. Needless to say…I looked like a mess today and the critics were harsh.

Exhibit A

Little miss Isa (short for Isabella) scoffed at my appearance and lack of make-up.
*Pardon the sunburst that is coming out of my stomach…I’m guessing that holding the baby that way caused my shirt to do some wacky things. I assure you that I do not have some weird tumor growing out of my tummy :p

I pulled out my best tricks to get her to like me again and to help her remember that I am the same Ashley she loved before…not a hobo.


We renewed our friendship, all was well in the world.


She devised a plan to provide herself with a little entertainment. At first, I was a little surprised and concerned.

Then I was a little horrified

And the showstopper…..disgust! As you can see from the part of her face that is NOT covered in puke, she was very proud of herself.

Little did Miss Isa know, I was about to get my revenge in the form of an outfit change. You see, this little girl does not like having her head covered, even for a second. I pulled the yucky onesie off,  put the clean one one, and braced myself for an angry baby.

She thought about it for a second….and then decided it wasn’t worth a fight.

She called a truce and pulled at my heart with her gummy smile.

And informed me that it was time for bed.

We hugged.


And off to bed she went….preparing herself for another puke-filled day tomorrow :)

Quote of the Day


What did you do today? I hope that whatever it was… was less messy, but hopefully just as cute :)


Ashley from Sloanbook said...

Haha this is so cute ha!!! You look like you are having fun!!! Excited for this Saturday (scheduled ur post!!!)

Ashley Sloan

Lita said...

Haha yeah she is super adorable :) Oh yay! I look forward to reading it...hopefully other people will too! haha :)

ashley.warner said...

what a pretty little blog! :)
new follower!

xo ashley

L!$@ said...

Such a cute little girl!! :D Makeup is devinitely meant to enhance not cover up beauty :D