Puh-leaze tell me that I am not the only one that needs a new wardrobe change with every season? I think this stems from my grade school years (do people actually say grade school? hmmmm..) when I would get new school supplies and a few new outfits.
Naturally, now that summer is upon us, thanks to me I might add (my birthday is June 21, the first day of summer..yeah, you’re welcome) I am craving some new treasures.
Wanna know what I am lovin’ this summer?…….you do?! Good :)


Ok, call me crazy…but I cannot stand having my feet confined. I HATE tennis shoes because I just feel so trapped! I love summer and flip-flops, even when I get that dreaded flip-flop tan..and trust me, that’s sayin’ something because I get it bad! These rainbow flip-flops are super comfy and last forevahhhh, at least that is what I’m told :p
I love this stuff and I love C.O. Bigelow! I am a huge fan of tingly chapsticks and lip-glosses, and this one hits the spot. It leaves you feeling refreshed and leaves your breath minty fresh…a win-win in my book :)

Quote of the Day
So peeps, what is on your summer lovin’ list? I’d love to know!
I. have. that. exact. watch. Its from Target!!! I love it! I wear it everyday! :)
All I want this summer is a TAN. I'm workin' on it. And hotter clothes. :)
Really? Haha twinners! Seriously though, I must have one of those watches before I return to school. I'm sure you will be sooo tan when I see you! Psh...you do have hot clothes..but I know what you mean :)
I am DYING over that lace dress :) Like, I'm thinking about finding Lauren just to con her into giving it to me. PS theyre's tons of us blogsters from md check some of my followers theyre wonderful :)
I know! Isn't it amazing! I have the worst case of envy for Lo right now! I'll have to check out your followers..wow, that sounded reallly creepy, but you know what I mean :) I need some MD bloggy friends :)
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