Today, I have been thinking about perspective. Every situation can be viewed in soooo many different ways, depending on your attitude. I myself suffer from Obsessive Over-thinking Disorder, also known as OOD (I promise, this is a legit disorder..look it up)because I am sometimes so anxious to catalog my experiences into "good" or "bad" categories. But you know what?.... an experience can totally be both!
Today, I put the idea of perspective into play as I watched an episode of "The Office". In this episode, Pam and Jim are dating other people. There is a scene where you can tell that Pam is really missing Jim and wanting to be close to him. I found myself actually speaking to the t.v screen as I reassured Pam that everything would be alright. I told her not to worry...that she and Jim end up getting married and having a baby. Something that was temporarily hard and sad became something least as beautiful as a fictional story can be!
It is just so amazing to think that we never know where life is taking us. So much can change in a year, a month, or even a day! When you find yourself in a bad situation, you can either dwell on the negatives, or view it as a chance to grow. You better believe that there is always an opportunity to grow because with pain comes growth...without fail.
I like to keep everything in perspective by writing letters to myself. I shared one of these letters with you guys a few posts back. Well, I have since found a handy-dandy website that allows you to write letters to yourself and have them delivered to you via email on any date and year that you would like. How cool is that?! I went ahead and wrote a letter to myself detailing my current decisions, likes, dislikes, ect, and requested to have it delivered in two-years time. I love that it will be like a time-capsule :) So, be cool like me and head on over to futureme and get writin'!
Quote of the Day
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