Today I am so grateful for missionaries. I am grateful for their sacrifice and testimonies. Today, we taught our CTR 4 class about missionaries. We called one of the fathers of a little boy in our class and asked him if he could bring his missionary tag to Church. When it was time for our object lesson, we "randomly" chose the little boy whose father gave us the tag, to come to the front to be our class missionary. His face lit up as he looked down and saw his father's tag on his shirt. I do not know why, but when I looked at this sweet little boy bearing the tag of "Elder Call", I got kind of choked up. I thought about how he too would someday wear a missionary tag and like his father, serve an honorable mission. I looked at the faces of all of the kids and could not help but laugh as they all jumped up and down saying "I'm gonna be a missionary too!".
I am beyond grateful to belong to a Church that brings me so much joy. I love seeing that joy help and uplift others. I love that the Church is so service-oriented, that we believe in not just helping ourselves, but helping others. Watching my kids get excited about missionary work made me excited. I hope that I can gain even a little of their pure enthusiasm.
Today was also sort of a restless day. All of the kids were kind of hyper and clingy. I had about 5 different kids on my lap during the course of the day. Even though it was frustrating to have to constantly coax and convince a child that primary is in fact fun, and that it is not acceptable behavior to strip down naked (yes....I know, I'm a mean teacher) I couldn't help but melt as they would look up to me and smile, or play with my hair. I realized that these moments are what make up my heaven-on-earth. These moments make me happy to be alive. I feel so accomplished when I teach them something about Jesus, or when they can answer questions and I can tell that their parents are teaching them at home.
I challenge everyone to look for ways to help others. Whether it be through a phone-call, a note, or maybe a fresh batch of cookies :) Let those that you love, feel your love! Don't assume that they know how special they are to you, show them.
To find out more about missionaries, you can go here. Happy Sunday :)

"I am beyond grateful to belong to a Church that brings me so much joy."
Thank you for putting words to the thoughts that have been in my head today as well! And thank you for your wonderful example. I'm going to take your advice and tell you that I love you and I am so grateful for your friendship!
Isn't the Church so great? :) Thank you for YOUR wonderful example. You are always such a good example of kindness and charity towards everyone. I love you too and am so grateful for your friendship...I hope that I can someday be worthy of it! ♥
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