This song breaks my heart. Every. Time. I can relate to that point in a relationship when you realize it is time to move on, but a part of you aches for that person and most of all, for what could have been. You find yourself picturing what the future will be like without them. Not only what your future will be like, but what their future will be like without you.
Adele captured that feeling perfectly....which is no surprise since this song is about the end of her relationship. How heartbreaking is the part where she tells him that she wishes nothing but the best for him and his wife? I love Adele because she is so honest and her music is breathtakingly gorgeous. She sings with so much emotion and there is no auto-tuning or embellishment.
In a world full of Ke$ha's and Lady GaGa's (don't get me wrong, I LOVE me some Ke$ha in the proper setting) it is nice to be able to hear something real, honest, and substantial.
So grab a box of tissues and be prepared for the nostalgia that only Adele can deliver.
*Sidenote: How amazing is this version of the song? It is recorded live at her home! How the heck does she sound that perfect?*
Quote of the Day
What songs take you back to a particular moment or memory? For myself, whenever I hear "Stolen" by Dashboard Confessionals, I am instantly taken back to the summer of my Sophomore year.
Music is legit.

Me & You by Kenny Chesney always reminds me of my first love soph year! We're still good friends but this song makes me ache sometimes!
Ok I had to Youtube the song because I had never heard it! I don't know how that's possible because I LOVE country and Kenny! It is such a cute song and I can totally see how it would be nostalgic..and that is so cool that you guys are still friends. It is a hard thing to accomplish :)
Music is legit! And can be so deeply, deeply personal, as in you feel like a song was written about you, like it is your song, even though you know it's not really that way, that's the way you feel about the song, and no one could ever convince you otherwise. You know that feeling?
Hannah yes! That is exactly how I feel about it. You have a way with words :)
omg, i absolutely love her. adele is actually my confirmation name but i didnt pick it because of her. anyway, just found your blog and love it! now following! :)
Shelby! Isn't she amazing? Thank you so much..I love new followers :)
I love Adele! I often have her songs on repeat :D Music is such an amazing tool. Too many songs to name that have meaning.
i love Adele. :)
Amy: I love you :)
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