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Friday, July 8, 2011

Say what?

Ok, so I have already mentioned here that my grandmother has Alzheimer's. It is getting progressively worse and she often has mood swings, or confusion due to forgetting things.

For example, last week, she was upset that my mother was planting flowers in her backyard. She was so angry that my mom would just do that without her permission. Of course my mom was not just being presumptuous. In fact, Mema accompanied her to the nursery, picked out flowers, and helped decide where they would be placed. In a matter of days, Mema had forgotten that it was her idea and that she wanted the work done. We tried to explain the situation to her but she would not budge. She was convinced that we were lying to her. These situations are both sad and frustrating. It is frustrating that such a simple issue can turn into a major blow-out. Today though, we experienced a light-hearted, funny situation.

My grandmother has a little Maltese puppy that we took to the groomers last week to get a bath and haircut. When we went to pick her up, we were pleasantly surprised to notice how nice she smelled. It was almost like she was wearing doggy perfume. My grandmother liked the scent so much, that she had my mom call the groomer to see if it was available for purchase. The groomer being the nice lady that she is, informed us that it was a special spray, and agreed to find my grandmother some.

Fast-forward to today. My grandmother asked my mom to get out the spray. My mother obliged and spritzed the dog for my grandmother. Mema said "no, no...I want to use some of it!". My mom and I looked at each other with confused faces. "You mean.... you want to spray her?" my mother asked. "No, I want to use some of it. I love the way it smells!" my Mema exclaimed....Cue the crickets chirping and confused glaces back-and-forth between my mother and I. At this point, my laughter was threatening to explode.

You see, in my grandmother's world, using perfume meant for a dog is perfectly normal. Oh man! Only in my family would something like this happen. Fall semester cannot come soon enough! I need to return to sanity!

Quote of the Day

Thanks for being my true friend and listening to my pointless family drama!

What do you think? Am I over-reacting? Is it not a big deal to want to use doggy perfume? It really does smell pretty good :p

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Amy said...

I can't even imagine how difficult and heartbreaking it would be to take care of a person with Alzeiemers. I seriously applaud your family for your patience and love towards your grandma!

As for the dog perfume: if it smells good, it smells good, right?! Hahaha maybe you should try some dog perfume Ash! Maybe all the fiesty boys will be attracted to the scent?? MMHMM!!

Lita said...

Yes, I do not wish this on anyone...I'm just nervous that this will be my mom someday and that I will have to deal with it. It is hard for my mom because my grandmother is not the way she used to be :(

Haha oh man...I'll probably just attract animals!